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These are the basics. For more detailed information please use the how-to video or PDF manual links above.
RT Reporting is a subscription with a risk free money back guarantee. You can sign up by visiting the Pricing page clicking Subscribe under the plan of your choice.
When you first log in to RT Reporting click on “connect new organisation” and then click “connect to Xero”. Select which Xero Organisation you would like to connect, and the data will be synced. The organisation will then be updated nightly thereafter. You can also sync on demand to ensure that data is completely up-to-date by clicking on the refresh button on an Organisations tile if you are making changes in Xero and refreshing forecasts or reports in the same day.
RT Reporting reads out company data such as journals, reports, account information and invoices from Xero and transforms it into simple to understand reports, 3-way forecasts and valuable insights. It is a read-only connection, and does not make any changes to data in Xero.
You can disconnect an organisation via the Organisation Settings under Manage Permissions. Settings can be accessed via the Organisation Tiles in the Organisations page of the application.
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